Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Insecticidal property of extracts of seeds of Annonasquamosa on the Triboliumcastaneum(Herbst,1797)

Patil Dipti R. , Dr. S. P. Zambare

Abstract :

Extracts from seeds of Annonasquamosa were tested against 6th instar larvae of the Tribolium castaneum.100% mortality was observed after treatment with chloroform extract at 1.6ml/kg wheat while 96.6±0.05larvicidal effect was observed after treatment with methanol extract at the same dose while adult were not emerged from those pupated.Only 53.3±0.05and 36.6±0.05 larval mortality was recorded in acetone and ethanol extract respectively and from the remaining pupated,23.4±0.10 and 43.4±0.15 adult emerge.Those treated at lower doses and having some adult emergence, most were having abnormalities.The chloroform and methanol extract can be used to control the infestation of the rust red flour beetle,Triboliumcastaneum

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Patil Dipti R., Dr. S.P.Zambare Insecticidal Property of Extracts of Seeds of Annonasquamosa on the Triboliumcastaneum(Herbst,1797) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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