Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Innovative Trends in Agro Tourism: Special Reference to Maharashtra State – An Indian Model for Cross Culture

Dr. S. G. Chapke

Abstract :

 The present research study is an attempt to explore Indian agro–tourism as an innovative tool to strengthen ‘Cross Culture’. It mainly covers sub–points – Present Scenario of Indian Agro –tourism, Agro–tourism – An Innovative Tool of Socio–economic Activities, Objectives of study, Research methodology, Study area, Hypothesis, Sample Size, Collusion of Agro–tourism with cross culture transmission, Innovative trends in Indian agro–tourism for cross cultural activities, Analysis and interpretation of data, Maharashtra state agro–tourism– A model, and Suggestions. The study proves that one of the best features of Indian agro–tourism especially for the foreign tourists is ‘life experience –live’ and also serving for the cross cultural trend.

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Dr.S.G.Chapke Innovative Trends in Agro Tourism: Special Reference to Maharashtra State – An Indian Model for Cross Culture Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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