Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014


P. R. Natarajan

Abstract :

The promotion of medical tourism advances the view that medicine and the healthcare can be treated in same the way as other goods and services as traded in the open market. The unabased use of the term “health consumer” being merely one indication of this understanding, where health can be understood as a “thing” to be consumed. Medical tourism is poised to be the next Indian success story after Information Technology. A few innovative strategies will enable India to go a long way in availing the opportunity. Some such strategies are: • There is a need for a separate agency called Medical Tourism Facilitator to receive, guide and help the medical tourists. • The government should step into the role of a regulator and facilitator of investments in healthcare with overseas partners and establishment of medicities in India. • The existing development model of public private partnerships in power and transport sectors which have proved to be successful could be emulated for building global standard healthcare institutions also. • Separate academic courses on patient management should be introduced in Medical Institutions to train Doctors, Nurses and Paramedical staffs. • Implementation of IT must be done without considering return on investment. • To keep away from traffic snarl in Indian highways and as a quick means of transport of patients air ambulance is the need of the hour. • Just like a commercial mall if a medical mall is organized, then we can have all medical specialist in one location, which will enable the patients to do “doctor shopping”. • Network of accredited hospitals across the world will enhance the service quality in medical tourism. • Accreditation by National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Healthcare providers (NABH) will improve standards and patient care in hospitals. One estimate by Price Water house coopers projects that the Indian healthcare sectors should be worth about 45 billion dollar by 2015 will justify the collaborative effort between various stake holders in following the above mentioned strategies.

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P.R.NATARAJAN Innovative Strategies For Enhancing the Image of India in Medical Tourism Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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