Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016


Dr. Mansa Rani

Abstract :

 Infosys Technologies Limited (I.T.L.) established in 1981 and having its registered office at Electronics City, Hosur road Banglore, with office in India, U.S., Canada, Europe and Asia, provides end–to–end consulting for global corporations. The company has long–term partnerships with a range of fortune 1000 companies, supporting technology–driven business transformation initial. On 1 June 2013, Mr. Narayana Murthy one of the founding member of Infosys and its long time CEO returned from his retirement to assume office in Infosys as its Executive Chairman. Infosys Technologies is an Indian Multinational Provider of business consulting information technology, Software engineering and outsourcing services. It is headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka. Infosys is the third largest India based it services company 542012 revenues and the second largest employer of H–IB Visa Professionals in the United States, as up 2012 in 28 marches 2013. Its market capitalization was $30.8 billion making its India’s sixth largest publicly traded company. The objective of this research paper to examine study of INFASTRUCTURE OF INFOSYS AND ITS GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY in Infosys Pvt. Ltd. The company is in Private Sector having highly skilled Professionals Managerial Personnel, technologists and computer science experts. These organizations are also very well recognized as the best employees with highly satisfied and motivated human resources. The objectives are met without any compromise to the security of Infosys or customer’s networks and systems. In addition, the communications infrastructure enhances the productivity of our employees.. I will to make use of, at first instance the standard literature available on my subject for conceptual knowledge of the subject of research problem. It will also make use of primary and secondary data. Primary data will be collected by surveys, Personal interviews, face to face discussions and questionnaires. Secondary data will be quite reliable so I have collected data from literature published by Infosys. Services include e–strategy consulting and solutions, large application development and enterprise integration services. Infosys also has product co–development initiatives with numerous communications and internet infrastructure companies that are creating the building blocks for the digital economy. It leverages talent and infrastructure in different parts of the world to provide high quality, rapid time–to market solutions. Modern organization setting is characterized by constant change relating to the environment forces and human resources. Environment factors are related to economic, political and social patterns in which organsiations exist. Human resources are known as Human Resource management of Personnel management. It is the part of management process which deals with the management of human resources. Personnel management is concerned with human problems of an organization so that individuals can make their maximum contribution to the accomplishment of common goals and at the same time attain social satisfaction. Infosys is one of the leading private company. Infosys has made significant investment in physical and technological infrastructure. Our investments in technological infrastructure and telecommunications ensure that we have adequate capacity to sustain our growing business needs and provide seamless delivery of solutions to our clients. Infosys has a variety of RDBMS platforms running on an array of several hundred high–end servers with terabytes of disk storage. Powerful workstations with the latest utilities, compliers and tools for development, testing and configuration management are available. The Infosys enterprise network helps provide a high performance worldclass software development environment that enables the delivery of software products and services to customers. Network management is given special focus. Unicenter TNG network management software provides for productive failure detection and counter measures. Infosys policy for the security of computer networks and systems consists of systems, processes and controls that allow seamless information shå while safe guarding against security violations. Infosys have a comprehensive disaster management plan which aims to minimize potential economic loss, reduce disruption to normal operations, ensure orderly recovery and increase asset protection. Disaster recovery plans are outlined for each category of equipment. Some of the measure adopted by the Infosys. The company has been refining this model for the last two decades. The result has been that the project manager is ensured of total control regardless of physical locations. Deliverables are distributes across the project life cycles, eliminating nail biting photo finishes. The Global Delivery Model Helps Infosys to access talent worldwide.. The objectives are met without any compromise to the security of Infosys or customer’s networks and systems. In addition, the communications infrastructure enhances the productivity of our employees.

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Dr. Mansa Rani INFRASTRUCTURE OF INFOSYS AND ITS GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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