Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Barkath Fathima, Savitri Vasudev Yadav

Abstract :

 Data allocation technique is an emerging technology which carries potential to resolve the leakage of data in an integrated way. However, while doing corporate some of the sensitive data should be handover to some company. Some of the information is leaked and found in an unauthorised space. So distributor has to find the leak data. Presently watermarking technique is being used for the data security. But this technique doesn’t provide sufficient protection. This report includes data allocation technique and fake objects that improve our opportunities to notice the leakage and recognize the guilty agent.

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Barkath Fathima, Savitri Vasudev Yadav Information Leak Discovery From Guilty Agent Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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