Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Influence of The Multiple Intelligence on Achivement of Under Graduate Zoology Students

Mrs. R. Thangapappa, Dr. V. Thamodharan, Dr. T. Kanakaraj

Abstract :

Intelligence is most widely studied in human beings. But has also been observed in animals and plants. Intelligence is the capacity to do something useful in the society in which live. It includes the abilities to think, abstract, understand, communicate, reason, learn, plan and solve problems and also ability to respond successfully to new situations and the capacity to learn from one’s past experiences.

However, the emerging views on theories of intelligence of the recent times of contradicts some of the postulants and convictions of the earlier theories. One such conception is the theory of Multiple Intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner. He suggested in his book ‘Frames of Mind’: “theory of multiple intelligence” (1993) that all the people have different kinds of intelligence. Intelligence is often defined as intellectual potential something that the children are born with the different intelligences including linguistic intelligence, logical - mathematical intelligence, visual- spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, bodily kinesthetic intelligence, intra - personal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, extential intelligence must be developed. In order to capture the full range of abilities and talents the children possess. There are many ways to incorporate multiple intelligence theory into the curriculum and achievement. In this study the investigator focuses the influence of the multiple intelligence on achievement of undergraduate zoology students.

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Mrs. R. Thangapappa, Dr.V.Thamodharan, Dr.T.Kanakaraj Influence of The Multiple Intelligence on Achivement of Under Graduate Zoology Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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