Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015

Influence of Recruitment and Selection Practices on Organisational Performance in Garment Manufacturing Firms in Delhi/NCR

Suruchi Mittar, Sibichan K. Mathew

Abstract :

<p> The textiles and apparel industry in India accounts for 14% of industrial production, which is 4% of GDP; employs 45 million people and accounts for nearly 11% share of the country’s total exports basket. During the year 2012–13, readymade garments accounted for almost 39% of the total exports. Apparel and cotton textiles products together contribute nearly 72% of the total textiles exports (Planning Commission, 2012–17). As one of the biggest employer of manpower in India, Indian Garment Manufacturing Firms (GMFs) cannot afford to neglect or ignore the area of Human Resources (HR) because machinery and men are vital aspects of this industry, but machinery without men is like a body without soul. This fact, all the more, makes Recruitment and Selection (R & S) as one of the most essential component which effects the Organisational Performance (OP). The objective of the study was to find the influence of Recruitment and Selection practices on organisational performance in GMF in Delhi/NCR.</p>

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Suruchi Mittar, Sibichan K. Mathew Influence of Recruitment and Selection Practices on Organisational Performance in Garment Manufacturing Firms In Delhi/Ncr Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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