Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Influence of Physical Exercises on Salt Loss and Sweat Rate Level

Dr. Sugumar. C

Abstract :

The study was intended to investigate the influence of physical exercises on sweat sodium, sodium chloride, sweat rate and percentage of loss of body mass level. For the purpose of the study, twelve men players were selected as subjects. All the subjects participated in one trail run a motorized treadmill to 16 minutes duration. Subjects ran at 4km/h for first 1 minute duration and at 70% target heart rate for next 15 min. After the treadmill run the sweat samples were collected from the subjects. The collected data were statistically examined by using simple correlation to determine the association among the sweat Na, Nacl, sweat rate and percentage of loss of body mass. The present study suggested that, there was a significant association among the selected variables.

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Dr. SUGUMAR.C Influence of Physical Exercises on Salt Loss and Sweat Rate Level Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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