Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

Influence of L1 word–stress patterns on pronunciation of Persian English speakers.

Ali Mirzavand

Abstract :

 This study aims to figure out the influence of L1 word–stress patterns on pronunciation a group of Persian  English speaker students at tertiary level in India. For this purpose, 60 topically unrelated sentences including 60 different target words with primary stress on different syllables were selected. The target population of this  study were 24 Iranian students. In order to meet the objective of the study, each participant was asked to read the target sentences and his performance was audio recorded to examine the pronunciation of the target words in question.  Finally an effort was made to contrast L1 and L2 stress patterns to figure out whether the pronunciation errors in the  Inter–language of Persian English speakers were the results of Language Interference (LI).

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Ali Mirzavand Influence of L1 word–stress patterns on pronunciation of Persian English speakers. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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