Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Influence of Inert Filler on Cementing Properties of Magnesium Oxychloride Cement Moc With MOC–Friendly Cement

R N Yadav, Upendra Singh, Priyanka Gupta, Madhu Sharma

Abstract :

Magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC) is one of the most superior building materials. It was invented by S.T. Sorel in 1867. It is superior to the ordinary Portland cement, such as rapid setting and hardening properties, higher fire resistance, lower thermal conductivity, better resistance to aasion and chemicals. MOC draws much research interest due to energy saving and environmental protection consideration. Dolomite is used as inert filler in present study. The influence of inert filler (dolomite) on cementing properties (standard consistency, setting time, moisture ingress compressive strength and soundness) of magnesium oxychloride cement has been investigated. The standard consistency, moisture ingress, compressive strength and soundness get reduced but more setting time is recorded on increasing amount of inert filler.

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R N Yadav, Upendra Singh, Priyanka Gupta, Madhu Sharma / Influence of Inert Filler on Cementing Properties of Magnesium Oxychloride Cement Moc With MOC-Friendly Cement / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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