Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Influence of Globalization and Confines of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Analytical Study

Sushma Rani, Dr. K. Mishra

Abstract :

In recent years, scholars and managers have dedicated significant attention to the planned suggestions of corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR can be defined as circumstances where the firm goes clear of adherence and perform to further some social good, ahead of the benefit of the firm and that which is required by regulation Globalization influences the economy, business life, society and environment in different ways, and approximately all organizations have been influenced by these changes. In this paper therefore we will think about characteristic of this in the context of the objectives of the organizations and its actions for governance. Governance also is an important part of this development. So business life requires more regulation and proper and socially responsible behavior than before. In this study we have discovered the relationship between CSR and globalization. We pointed out that the relationship between business eakdown and scandals increased after the globalization, and social responsible behavior. In this paper we have also discussed a “confines of corporate social responsibilities”. This paper is a pure academic attempt to study the influence of globalization and confines of corporate social responsibility in Indian business scenario

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Sushma Rani,Dr. K. Mishra Influence of Globalization and Confines of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Analytical Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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