Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Dr. Ruchi Galundia, Dr. Radhica Sethia

Abstract :

 This paper highlights the link between infertility and psychology. It was an issue in earlier times whether psychological thoughts of a person results in infertility or infertility leads to psychogenic causes and most of the scientists were trying to find out the linkage between them. Because no methods were available to detect infertility causes, theorist linked infertility with psychogenic causes. With advances in research, theorists came to know that fertility phenomenon is a physiological process in living organisms that in human in addition to physiological aspects has social and psychological dimensions too.

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Dr.Ruchi Galundia, Dr.Radhica Sethia Infertility- An Historicalperspective Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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