Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2015

Indications for renal biopsy in Iraqi children with glomerular diseases

Dr. Rasim M. Khamass, Prof. Mahjoob N. Alnaddawi

Abstract :

<p> Background: Renal biopsy is a basic tool in renal tissue analysis. Many are the indications for renal biopsy in paediatric patients which may vary between different nephrology centers. Objectives: To study the main indications for performing renal biopsy in Iraqi children with glomerular diseases. Subjects, materials and methods: Analysis was done for a 10 years period records of 200 Iraqi paediatric patients who underwent percutaneous renal biopsy, collected from three different Paediatric nephrology centers in Baghdad. Results: Out of 200 patients, 110 were males and 90 were females. The mean age was 7.8 years + standard error (SE) of 4.1 years and a range from 6 months to 17 years. The most frequent indication for renal biopsy was nephrotic syndrome reported in 69% of the patients. Conclusions: Nephrotic syndrome was the main indication for performing renal biopsy at the Paediatric Nephrology Centers in Baghdad.</p>

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Dr. Rasim M. Khamass, Prof. Dr. Mahjoob N. Al-Naddawi Dr. Rasim M. Khamass, Prof. Dr. Mahjoob N. Al-Naddawi Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 7 July 2015

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