Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Indian Marketing of Bamboo

S. Dhurga

Abstract :

Bamboo is an important plant species from the grass family Gramineae to which wheat and rice also belong. It is found in tropical, sub – tropical and temperate region of all continents except Europe and West Asia. Bamboo has been and is still playing role in the socio – economy of the people especially in rural areas and constitutes in integral part of their culture. Bamboo called as “Bio – Steel”, “Green Gold”, “Poor man’s Timber”. It is used to daily life of the people. It plays an important role in human life. Bamboo production can be taken up by farmers of cauvery delta as a means of additional income generation. The Bamboo plant has become the traditional symbol for friendship in India. Also Bamboo is often associated with prosperity, peace, good fortune, success and protection from evil.

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S. Dhurga Indian Marketing of Bamboo Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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