Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

Indian Banking Industry– Customer Satisfaction

Akhil Goyal, Dr. Sudhinder Singh Chowhan

Abstract :

Researcher outlines the paper with reference to identify the Conformist Banking and their services for the Indian Banking sector. Paper includes the general scenario of Indian banking industry and various services and opportunities adopted by Indian banking industry in Indian indurate. The main aim to Indian banking customer satisfaction reorganization measures, human capital development, technological up–gradation, structural development which helped them for achieving universal benchmarks in terms of prudential norms and pre–eminent practices. This article is a small seed to existing anch of knowledge in banking industry and is useful for prospect customers, existing customers Bankers, strategist, policy makers and researchers and the impact of various market and regulatory initiatives on efficiency improvements of Indian banks. To build on our previous global consumer banking survey in 2011, and to help banks better understand what they must do to build and maintain customer relationships, we surveyed 28,560 banking customers across 35 countries to learn more about their needs and preferences. Our banking teams around the world analyzed the responses. The purpose of this is to compare the public sector bank &private sector bank in terms of customer satisfaction and to find out the various reasons of customer dissatisfaction in these banks. The data was collected by getting the questionnaire filled by the respondents who we using banking services.

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Akhil Goyal, Dr. Sudhinder Singh Chowhan Indian Banking Industry- Customer Satisfaction Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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