Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Incidence of various causes of vaginal discharge based on simple laboratory methods on OPD bases in pregnant & nonpregnant women of 11–60 year age group

Dr. Niralee S. Mahakal, Dr. Avanita D. Solanki, Dr. Rikeeta S. Deshmukh

Abstract :

Vaginal discharge is the commonest problem faced by women, presenting with itching, pain &/or irritation of the vulva, main causes are candidial, bacterial and trichomonal infection. 272 women with vaginal discharge were included in the study who attended skin OPD. Commonest age–group with vaginal discharge was 20–40 years(83%), among these 21% patients were pregnant. 55% referred by gynecology department & 45% directly attended skin OPD. According to our assessment, based on laboratory tests, causes of vaginal discharge were candidial(46%), trichomonal(31%), bacterial(13%), mixed(5%) infections & 5% patients presented with physiological discharge. Candidial infection was associated with pH≤4.5, for this 10% KOH test (sensitivity=0.47, specificity=0.93, ppv=0.86); for bacterial vaginosis pH>4.5, whiff test(sensitivity=0.68, specificity =0.98, ppv=0.86) and for trichomonas vaginalis pH>4.5, wet mount(sensitivity= 0.46 specificity =0.98, ppv=0.85)

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Dr. Niralee S. Mahakal, Dr. Avanita D. Solanki, Dr. Rikeeta S. Deshmukh Incidence of various causes of vaginal discharge based on simple laboratory methods on OPD bases in pregnant & nonpregnant women of 11-60 year age group Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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