Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Incidence and Indications for plates removal in facial trauma patients: A Retrospective study

Dr. Sunil Srivastava, Dr. Rahul Yadav

Abstract :

Patients and Methods: 1630 patient was included from sept 2013 to sept 2015. The medical records of all patients who underwent removal of bone plates after facial bone trauma were reviewed over a 2–year period. Data concerning age and gender distribution, indication for removal, site of removal were evaluated for each patient. Results: Of 1630 cases, 114 cases bone plates were removed (100 males and 14 females), with an overall removal rate of 6.99 %. The age range was from 14 to 63 years. Most common age group was from 21 to 30 years (36.84%). Mean age was found to be 27.78 year. Most common reason for plate removal was discharging sinus (42.10%). Most common site of plate removal mandible parasymphysis (42.10%). Most common approach leading to plate removal was when through laceration approach was used (33.33%). Average time interval between insertion and removal was 2.6 months. Conclusion: Based on this study, the incidence of bone plate removal was relatively low, and the most common indications for plate removal was discharging sinus. Since through laceration approach was most common approach, Through wound cleaning is advised in cases of lacerated wounds to reduce chances of plate infections.

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Dr. Sunil Srivastava, Dr. Rahul Yadav Incidence and Indications for plates removal in facial trauma patients: A Retrospective study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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