Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

In–Film Advertising: The Soft Link Between the Products and the Customers

Pradeep Agrawal, Prof. S. K. Dubey

Abstract :

During a time when consumers are getting saturated with traditional media advertising, product placement via In–Film Advertising in movies, in television and other media are methods of advertising that reaches consumers in a seemingly indirect fashion. In – film advertising is a marketing practice designed to intentionally insert products into the content of Bollywood movies. In most cases the placement is subtle so as not to divert significant attention from the main content of the movie. This can be an inexpensive way to build national recognition for a company, product or service; this can be an asset in enhancing the corporate image as well as provide several different promotional opportunities in some of the most successful movies and television programs today. The company wants their products to be visible within a scene, but not the focus. The product needs to fit, almost seamlessly into the shot and context of the scene. When done correctly, product placement can add a sense of realism to a movie or television or other forms of media.

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Pradeep Agrawal, Prof. S.K. Dubey In-Film Advertising: The Soft Link Between the Products and the Customers Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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