Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

In the Order of the Movement: A Brief Study on the Rhythm.

Marco Aurelio Da Cruz Souza, Sidirley De Jesus Barreto

Abstract :

<p><p> This paper proposes an analysis of the Rhythm and its implications in dance. We discuss the research works of Emile Jacques–Dalcroze (1865–1950) and Rudolph Laban (1879–1958), both educators and artists. The first developed a rhythmic assimilation work at the Conservatory of Geneva, Switzerland, from difficulties in their students. The second drew a training methodfor dancers, influenced by dalcrozians practices. Yet discuss specific characters of rhythm and their classifications and categories.</p></p>

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Marco Aurelio da Cruz Souza, Sidirley de Jesus Barreto In the Movement of Order: A Brief Study on the Rhythm Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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