Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

In–Silico Analysis of Hepcidin–Ferroportin Axis as Potential Target in Anemia Due to Chronic Disease

Pragnesh Banker, Dr Rakesh Rawal

Abstract :

 Anemia due to inflammation is prevalent in patients with chronic disease including cancer. It is associated with high morbidity and lower quality of life. Intracellular retention of iron within the cells of reticulo–endothelial system is the characteristic feature. This sequestration is primarily due to Hepcidin induced internalization followed by degradation of iron exporting protein Ferroportin resulting in blockade of iron efflux from these cells. Current modality of ACD (Anemia of chronic Disease) management including intravenous infusion of iron and/or erythropoietin are either inef – fective or leads to manifestation of adverse reactions. Therefore, search for newer alternative therapies and novel strategies to target hepcidin–ferroportin axis is the need of the day. Uses of wheatgrass juice for rectification of anemia and cancer control have been claimed earlier. Wheatgrass is a potent source of many vitamins, minerals and glycoside e.g. amygdaline.In the present study we proposed an in–silico model for targeting ferroportin binding domain of hepcidin with amygdalin using bioinformatics tools. The result from Hepcidin–Ferroportin interaction study revealed the major interacting residues on hepcidin which interact more efficiently with amygdalin. This suggests a competitive binding of amygdalin with hepcidin which may prevent ferroportin degradation leading to rectification of anemia by allowing Fe efflux from RES available for EPO independent hemopoiesis.

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PRAGNESHKUMAR BANKER, DR RAKESH RAWAL In-Silico Analysis of Hepcidin-Ferroportin Axis as Potential Target in Anemia Due to Chronic Disease Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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