Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Improving the Health System in Romania

Mircea Aurel Nita

Abstract :

Health services system in Romania is found at the end of a long transition from an integrated model, in which all the healthcare provider’s organizations were public property, under the Ministry of Health authority, to a contractual model funded from public sources, but also from private ones. Under these conditions, the majority of public or private providers of health services, with a high degree of autonomy, are binding contracts with Health Insurance Agencies. The article follows the evolution of the legislative framework in the periods 1949-2006 and 2006-2013, and also identify the main courses of action of the Romanian health system. In order to demonstrate the need to improve the legislative framework, SWOT analysis were performed using comparison method. In the end it result that the legislation fails to clearly assign responsibilities placed on each institutional actor involved in the public health system and the quality of medical services in Romania is still below the level of EU countries and it is not measured by questionnaires or other methods. < clear=\"all\" style=\"page-eak-before:always; mso-eak-type:section-eak\" />

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Mircea Aurel NITA Improving the Health System in Romania Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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