Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Miss Manjulata Panda

Abstract :

 Reasonable Accommodation is a oad term derived from the American with Disabilities Act 1990 subsequently it was adopted by other countries in a convention called UNCRPD. The term is related to the nonhandicapping work environment clause framed by the Government of India in the PWD Act of 1995. The present article is an attempt to explore various ways and means with respect to work place modification in order to make the VI persons more productive. modification in the schedule of work, provision of qualified readers and interpreters, provision of assistive technology and equal treatment to the Visually Impaired along with their sighted counterpart to ensure them equal benefits and privileges during the course of their employment can make them more skill and competent to discharge their duty efficiently.Further restructuring of their sitting arrangement, flexibility in work timing, and grant of leave for their treatment should be taken into consideration as a part of reasonable accommodation. It is very clear that, if the disability related needs of the Visually Impaired employees could be address by the way of reasonable accommodation they can be considered as the efficient human resource of the Country. So the Government should move in a right direction to meet the crisis of the Visually Impaired employees by providing them long term work place solution within the Institutional frame work of the welfare government.

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Miss Manjulata Panda Importance of Reasonable Accommodation Atwork Place. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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