Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr. V. Prabha, Dr. A. Meriton Stanly

Abstract :

 Importance of biomedical ethics in medical education We are living in the time of technological advances; which enable us to envisage the possibilities of human cloning and designer organs, which was only dreamed of. In the light of these developments we are confronting questions and challenges never faced before by the human race. Medical ethics has existed since the time of Hippocrates. However, formal training in bioethics has not established till today. Biomedical Ethics and Medical Humanities is a foundation area which explores the moral, social, and humanistic dimensions of medicine and biomedical sciences. Inculcation of moral values to promote humanistic skills and professional conduct in physicians is not taught in a medical school nor assessed. There is still no structured content for undergraduate medical ethics education, & significant debate on methods learning and teaching methods. Assessment methods also remain contentious. Ethics education is aimed at teaching the cognitive and behavioral aspects of ethics for the purpose of improving the quality of care in terms of both the process and outcome of care. For the good practice of medicine inevitably raises both ethical and legal issues and demands an understanding of both. The major goal of medical education in ethics and humanities is to promote humanistic skills and professional conduct in physicians. Implementation of a comprehensive medical ethics and humanities curriculum in medical school is essentially required for professional development in medicine.

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Dr.V. Prabha, Dr.A.Meriton Stanly Importance of Biomedical Ethics in Medical Education Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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