Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

Implementation of Smart Governance using Big data Technologies

G. Gowthami, B. Hemanth Kumar, K. Raghava Rao

Abstract :

 Information is recorded, hold on and analyzed to switch technology and services that the world depends  on each day, this technology is getting sensible which we tend to square measure about to be presently  living during a} very world of excellent services or what is called sensible cities. ’Smart cities’ is also a term that has  gained traction in world, business and government to describe cities that, on the one hand, unit more and more  composed of and monitored by pervasive and present computing and ,on the other, whose economy and governance  is being driven by innovation, ability and entrepreneurship, enacted by sensible of us. information technologies unit  presently being developed that work on the physical setting, and additionally the human interactions at intervals it,  into a “digital skin” of city. This skin consists of a sensored and metered urban setting. reciprocally with present computing, and additionally the increasing use of electronically–mediated interactions usually, the physical world is popping  into a platform for generating teeming new data on the workings of human society, its interactions with the physical  setting, and manifold processes in scientific discipline, politics, and social interactions. This paper make a case for of  but cities unit being instrumented with digital devices and infrastructure that prove ‘big data’.

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G.Gowthami, B.Hemanth Kumar, K.Raghava Rao Implementation of Smart Governance using Big data Technologies Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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