Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Impact of Training in Indian Banking Sector – An Empirical Investigation

A. Chandra Sekar, Dr. R. Sundhararaman

Abstract :

Employee training is becoming a necessity to every organization now–a day. Employees are entrusted different roles and responsibilities in the banks. Training enables them to carryout these roles and responsibilities efficiently and also learn new things, which will prepare them to take up higher responsibilities in the future. In this study the researcher studies the existing practices of the various aspects of training program and its effectiveness in selected public and private sector banks in Tiruchirappalli District, South India. This is mainly to assess the present status of the employee effectiveness in discharging the roles and responsibilities in tune with the objectives of the bank. The aim is to assess the effectiveness of the various facets of training i.e. employee’s attitude towards training inputs; quality of training programmes; training inputs and application of training inputs to the actual job.

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A. CHANDRA SEKAR, Dr. R. Sundhararaman Impact of Training in Indian Banking Sector – An Empirical Investigation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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