Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Impact of Tourism Development on the Economy in Andhra Pradesh

Mrs. B. Uma Devi, Mrs. M. Krishnaveni

Abstract :

Tourism is one of the biggest industries which collaborates to the economy of Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh has many attractive tourist centres and both Indian and foreign tourists visit Andhra Pradesh. The tourist arrivals have gone up from 4,24,02,252 in 1999 to 15,60,72,409 in 2010 and The number of foreign tourist arrivals in AP during the year 2010 are 3,22,825 which accounts 0.21% in total number of tourist arrivals in AP. The maximum number of Indian Tourists have visited Chittoor District during 2010, whereas about 2,94,951 Foreign Tourists visited Hyderabad during the same year.

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Mrs. B. UMA DEVI, Mrs. M. KRISHNAVENI Impact of Tourism Development on the Economy in Andhra Pradesh Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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