Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Impact of the Global Meltdown on the Indian Economy

Dr. A. Muthusamy

Abstract :

Every person, now–a–days taking about global meltdown all over the world . The financial crisis not only affected the U.S.A. economy but also the economies of European and Asia. A global depression is likely to result in a fall in demand of all types of consumer goods. As of now India is facing major problems like the Share Markets are falling everyday, (However on the last day of September 2009 the Sensex was about 17000), Rupee is weakening against dollars and our banks are facing severe crash crunch resulting in shortage of liquidity in the market. Recessions are generally believed to be caused by a widespread drop in spending. Governments usually respond to recessions by adopting expansionary macroeconomic policies, such as increasing money supply, reducing cost and funds, increasing government spending and decreasing taxation.

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Dr. A. Muthusamy Impact of the Global Meltdown on the Indian Economy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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