Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015

impact of social support on lives of Chinese women with breast cancer: Commentary on key issues

Dr. Maggi Banning

Abstract :

 Breast cancer is the most common illness in women. The incidence of east cancer in women grows each year. The impact of east cancer on women can be huge in terms of its the fear of diagnosis and radical treatment, issues of potential change in perception of body image, and relations with spouse and family. Such relations can become impaired and tense. In cases where families hold negative reactions to a diagnosis, women can feel unsupported and alone. In Chinese families, reaction to east cancer can be negative. Such reactions can leave women feeling tense, worried and unsupported with few social networks available to them. Women with east cancer need social support systems/ networks that provide guidance, emotional support sympathy, support and the comfort of other women. Social support can also be educational that focuses in the wellbeing of women.

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Dr. Maggi Banning / impact of social support on lives of Chinese women with breast cancer: Commentary on key issues / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 11 November 2015

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