Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016

Impact of Social Networking Sites on Education of Youth

Priya Srivastava, Dr. A Lognathan

Abstract :

 Social networking websites like Orkut, Face book, Myspace and You tube are becoming more and more popular and has become part of daily life for an increasing number of people. Social networking is a current phenomenon that consists of both web–based communications with Internet users through websites and interaction with others via cellular phones. Young people’s online behaviour is often not well understood resulting in a digital disconnect between young people use of technology and the knowledge and concerns those parents, professionals and community members share about this use. The study argues that these social networking websites distract students from their studies, but these websites can be useful for education based on sound pedagogical principles and proper supervision by the teachers. The purpose of this study is social networking, specifically the activities of texting and use of the Social Network Site (SNS) Face book, and its impact on communication.

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Priya Srivastava, Dr. A Lognathan Impact of Social Networking Sites on Education of Youth Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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