Volume : VIII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Impact of Six procreative factors on Srotodusti of Garbha in manifestation of FOAD (Foetal Origin of Adult Disease)

Pooja Sabharwal, Rima Dada, Chetan Prakash

Abstract :


Holistic biology of Ayurveda is based on Triguna, Tanmatra, Tridosha, Saptdhatu, Oja, Agni, Ama and Srotas. Six procreative factors (Shadgarbhkarabhavas) are play a prime role in formation of emyo (Garbha) and organogenesis. It is very clear that maternal and paternal factors are mostly responsible for anatomical development, while other factors like Atma, Satva are responsible for psychological development. The conglomeration of these procreative factors is must for healthy offspring.  Ayurveda scholars felt the importance of the concept of Shadgarbhakarabhavas and FOAD (foetal origin of adult diseases) has been attaining considerable attention as not only do unfavourable conditions during life in the womb and in childhood affect health in childhood, they also predispose to increased risk of diseases in adulthood. By applying these principles in our routine practice, we can ensure a natural delivery free from various complications, good maternal health, a healthy progeny with good immunity and ultimately good lactation which will help in proper growth of the baby.

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Impact of Six procreative factors on Srotodusti of Garbha in manifestation of FOAD (Foetal Origin of Adult Disease) , Pooja Sabharwal, Rima Dada, Chetan Prakash , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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