Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Impact of SHG on Economic Empowerment of Members

Dr. A. S. Shiralashetti, D. D. Kulkarni

Abstract :

Women constitute half of our population and play a vital role in the development of family, the community and the nation. It has been widely recognized that unless women’s potential is properly developed, no transformation and economic development is possible. Therefore, to accelerate the growth and prosperity of the nation, it is very important to create opportunities for socio–economic development of women in rural India. The government of India has been emphasizing the need for designing a separate development programmes for women and to earmark a specific percentage for women beneficiaries in other rural and development programmes. The present paper focuses on the empowerment of women of Self help groups.

Keywords :

SHG   Empowerment  

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Dr. A. S. Shiralashetti, D.D.Kulkarni Impact of SHG on Economic Empowerment of Members Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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