Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Impact of Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria on Growth and Yield of Mungebean(Vigna radiata)

Dr. Kalavati Prajapati

Abstract :

<p> Soil microorganisms are supportive in the transformation of soil potassium (K) and are thus an important component of the soil K cycle. These are effective in releasing K both from inorganic and organic pools of total soil K through their respective solubilizing and mineralizing abilities. To evaluate this, two promising organisms (KSB–1 and KSB–7) of capable of solubilization of both organic and inorganic potassium as investigated under in vitro conditions were evaluated in a pot trial for their rhizosphere activity and mineralization potential of organic K in soil, plant growth and yield. In response to inoculation with these selected potassium solubilizing bacteria (KSB), significant increases in seed germination, root and shoot length and number of leaves grain yield were observed which were increase to respectively, over uninoculated control in the presence of feldspar in Aleksandrov’s agar medium. The study demonstrated that the use of KSB having multifaceted beneficial traits would be highly effective for improving growth and yield of crops.</p>

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Dr. Kalavati Prajapati Impact of Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria on Growth and Yield of Mungebean( Vigna radiata) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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