Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Impact of Policies & Practices to Retain Faculty Talent

S. Priya Durga

Abstract :

An attempt has been made to identify the major influencing factors that can be proposed to the management of engineering institutions, to design an effective policies and practices to retain the faculty talent & to determine the extent to which the factors of the policies and practices are practicing at the engineering institutions. Results indicate that all the eight factors of policies and practices which are considered important for faculty retention are equally significant in the eyes of the faculty. No difference was observed among the various groups of demographic and institutional variables with regard to the view on the eight factors of policies & practices. Nearly three–fourth of the faculty stated that their institutions extremely practiced the factors like measuring faculty progress through performance, motivating the faculty, support for career advancement and allotting reasonable teaching load.

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S. Priya Durga Impact of Policies & Practices to Retain Faculty Talent Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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