Volume : I, Issue : VII, April - 2012

Impact of peripheral cues on rural consumer buying decision for FMCG products with special reference to Palitana (Gujarat)

Dr K. S. Vataliya, Bhavik . P. Parmar

Abstract :

Peripheral Cues can be defined as an object which drives attention of consumers about the particular thing which can be ad campaign, product shape, product size, packaging etc.Literacy rate among rural customer is very low compared to urban market. Hence strategic use of peripheral cues can be effective marketing tools to attract the customer. The main objective of study is to find out impact of peripheral cues on rural customer buying decision process for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). The scope of the study is limited to three villages Mokhadka, Gheti and Aadpar of Palitana .Primary data are collected through questionnaire including open ended and close ended questions.Result of the study reveals there is a strong association between peripheral cues and rural customer Buying decision (Chi–square–124.52>18.54) while the opinion of respondents from three different villages are not significantly different in case of all peripheral cues. 82.67% (out of 75) Rural consumers take buying decision on the basis of peripheral cues like colors of packaging while most of the peripheral cues identified in the survey includes shape of the product, posters and display Advertisement at retailer’s store etc.

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Dr K.S. Vataliya, Bhavik .P. Parmar Impact of peripheral cues on rural consumer buying decision for FMCG products with special reference to Palitana (Gujarat) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII April 2012

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