Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Impact of perineal trauma on sexual function among postpartum mothers

Pritilata Murmu, Dr Savitha Pramilda Cutinho, Mrs Wilma Shalini Noronha

Abstract :

 A cross–sectional retrospective study was conducted to assess the sexual function of postpartum mothers after normal vaginal delivery. Objectives of the study were to find the impact of perineal trauma on sexual function of postpartum mothers and to find the association of sexual function with selected demographic variables. The population under study was 200 postpartum mothers of age group between 18 to 35 years were selected with purposive sampling technique in a selected hospital. The descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The study results show that there was an impact of perineal trauma on sexual function among postpartum mothers. Majority 178 (89%) of the postpartum mothers had decreased sexual function whereas 22 (11%) had normal sexual function. The findings show that there was no association of female sexual function index score with selected demographic variables at 0.05 level of significance

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Pritilata Murmu, Dr Savitha Pramilda Cutinho, Mrs Wilma Shalini Noronha, Impact of perineal trauma on sexual function among postpartum mothers, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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