Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Impact of Performance Appraisal System on Organization Growth�A Study with special reference to ITES Sector

Dr. Rajeeshviswanathan, Yasam Lakshmi Narayana Reddy, Dr S Thiyagarajan

Abstract :

Purpose–Performanceappraisalisusedinternationallytoimproveemployeeperformance.However,doubtsexist abouttheeffectiveness ofperformanceappraisal.This studyaimstoanalyse the factors that which hinders the effective performance appraisal system in an organization. Further, thestudyaimstoexaminethe impact of effective performance appraisal with regards to organizational growth and development. Design/ methodology/ approach–Questionnaire method has been adopted and a sample of 315 have been collected from ITES and IT Sectors in Chennai and Pondicherry. Chi Square and Corelations test have been done. Findings–The resultsindicatethat effective performance appraisal practice leads to organizational productivity as well as reducing of employee attrition rate and enhancing of employee engagement.Organizations need to adopt transformational leadership style then transactional leadership

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Dr. RajeeshViswanathan, Yasam Lakshmi Narayana Reddy, Dr S Thiyagarajan Impact of Performance Appraisal System on Organization Growth – A Study with special reference to ITES Sector Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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