Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016

Impact of Pendimethalin on Mitotic Index and Root Growth Inhibition of Allium cepa (L.)

Anamika Gupta, D. Sarveshwara Rao, G. P. Satsangi

Abstract :

 The cytotoxic, mitodepressive effect of herbicide Pendimethalin was observed on Allium cepa L., during 2013–2014 at Agra. The treatment included: control, higher concentration and lower concentration of Pendimethalin. After 2–3 days treatment, the recovery for higher concentration was done for 2 days, in which root growth was completely inhibited in higher concentration as compared to lower concentration and control. The overall effect was irreversible during recovery. However root growth inhibitory effect was reduced at lower concentration of Pendimethalin. The Mitotic Index showed that maximum cell division was obtained during 6:00 AM – 12:00 PM in control. Pendimethalin was found to arrest the maximum cell in Anaphase > Prophase > Metaphase > Telophase respectively.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Anamika Gupta, D. Sarveshwara Rao, G. P. Satsangi, Impact of Pendimethalin on Mitotic Index and Root Growth Inhibition of Allium cepa (L.), Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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