Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Impact of Nutrition Education Programs on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Among Farm Women of Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh

G. Vani Bhushanam, Dr. M. Usha Rani

Abstract :

The principal aim of nutrition education is to provide people in rural and urban areas with adequate information, skills and motivation to procure and to consume appropriate diets which in turn would improve family food supplies and more efficient utilization of available food and economic resources to provide nutritious diets and better care for the most vulnerable groups. The impact of Nutrition messages were studied in a phased manner on 100 farm women (@ 20 each from 5 villages) using a pre–tested questionnaire in the Operational villages of All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Home Science, Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh. The Mean scores were calculated and student‘t’ test was employed to study Significance. The results reveal a significant impact of nutrition messages on the gain and retention of knowledge among the farm women culminating in healthy practices by 44%.

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G. Vani Bhushanam, Dr. M. Usha Rani / Impact of Nutrition Education Programs on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Among Farm Women of Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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