Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Impact of Modern Banking Services towards Customer Satisfaction in Indian Bank with Special Reference to Villupuram Town

Dr. K. Krinamurthy, Mr. T. Sasikumar

Abstract :

 Modern banking services play an important role in the economic development and easy access of banking service in world. It is commonly perceived that technology is important to enhance the quality of customer service and to make it customer friendly. Banking industry is fast growing with the use of technology in the form of ATMs, On–line banking, Telephone banking, Mobile banking, Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), Electronic Cleå Services (ECS) etc. Debit and Credit card is one of the banking products that provide to the needs of retail section have seen its number grow in geometric progression in recent years. In the present day, the concept of core banking has made ‘anywhere and anytime’ banking a reality. Along with technology, banking services have also evolved and the delivery of various banking products are carried out through the medium of high technology at a lesser cost to the customer. This paper focus on the impact on modern banking service to customer satisfaction and to banks for its development, what are problems involved in use of modern banking. A structured questionnaire designed and distributed to bank customer in study area to measure the impact and traced out the problem faced by the customers. The present study is emphasis on different dimension of modern banking services used by Indian Bank customer and their level of satisfaction towards different services rendered by Indian Bank. The researcher has used Lakers five point scales for measuring customer satisfaction towards modern banking services. In addition to that Garrant ranking techniques has been also used to examine customer satisfaction. The findings of this study can be contributed to Indian Bank for enhancing their banking services up to expectation of different customers

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Dr. K. Krinamurthy, Mr. T. Sasikumar Impact of Modern Banking Services towards Customer Satisfaction in Indian Bank with Special Reference to Villupuram Town Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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