Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Impact of Globalization on Tribal Art and Artists of Gujarat

Ms. Gopi Shah, Dr. M. Sreedevi Xavier

Abstract :

 This paper aims at studying the problems and challenges faced by the tribal art and the artists of Gujarat 

in the era of globalization. The main focus is on the traditional art of ‘Rathwa’ tribes from Gujarat namely 
– the Pithora artwork. The study is based on secondary sources of data and is analyzed using Orientalism perspective. 
The data clearly shows that the sustenance of the art and artists has become the biggest challenge in contemporary 
times. New changes have been noticed in the lifestyle; consumption patterns; production, circulation and usages of 
cultural objects; cultural ecology; habitat and religious practices etc. These changes have altered the traditional modes 
of cultural expressions, usages of languages and communication at local, regional and national level. The march of civilization, for the very reason of globalization, has a paralyzing effect on tribal people and their art.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Ms. GOPI SHAH, DR. M. SREEDEVI XAVIER Impact of Globalization on Tribal Art and Artists of Gujarat Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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