Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Impact of Female Literacy on Fertility: A Review

Firdous Ansari

Abstract :

 Education has its impact on the social , economical and health development of a nation especially female education as it bounds the next generation to be educated. Educated women are known to be more aware to take reproductive and healthcare decisions. This study is a critical review of literature which includes different variables that get affected by female literacy. In the last section of the study discussion is made for further research point of view. Discussion On the basis of studies considered, we come to know that female literacy plays an important role in reduction of fertility rate. As studies considered revealed that still literacy rate requires improvement so there is a need to work in rural areas with special efforts on Muslim females.

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Firdous Ansari Impact of Female Literacy on Fertility: A Review Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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