Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016

Impact of Environmental and Amenity factors on Urban House Prices:A Micro Level Study

A. Amiroudine, A. Abdulraheem

Abstract :

 Land is a unique creation and a precious gift of nature. Land is heterogeneous and every piece of land is spatially specific. The economic supply of land can be increased by intensive use or extensive use of land as in the case of reclamation. The economic supply of land has been subjected to limitation imposed by various factors–natural, economic, institutional and technological. Climate, topography, location and nature of the soil are the natural characteristics that affect the supply of land for various acts. For example location is a dominant factor, which influences the supply of land for non–agricultural purpose. Therefore, this paper examines the impact of environmental and amenity factors on urban house price in Chennai City

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A. Amiroudine, A.Abdulraheem, Impact of Environmental and Amenity factors on Urban House Prices:A Micro Level Study, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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