Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Impact of Dyeing Industry Effluent Residue on Growth, Biochemical Characterstics and Yield of Brinjal Solanum Melogena

M. R. Rajan, U. Nisath Fathima, S. David Noel

Abstract :

Impact of different quantities of dyeing industry effluent residue on growth, biochemical characteristics and yield of Brinjal Solanum melongena were studied for a period of 90 days.. Germination of Brinjal Solanum melongena is higher ( 96%) in treatment 1(T1) with 200 mg of dyeing industry effluent residue and lower (85%) in treatment 5 with 1000 mg of residue. Shoot length and root length of Brinjal is higher in treatment 1 &4 respectively..Fresh weight of Brinjal is higher in treatment 3 and Dry weight of Brinjal is higher in treatment 1. Leaf index area of Brinjal is higher in treatment 5 (T5) and lower in treatment 6 (T6)Vigor index of Brinjal is higher in treatment 1 (T1) and lower in treatment 0 (T0).Chlorophyll a,b and total chlorophyll of Brinjal is higher in treatment 3 .Carotenoids is higher in treatment 3 (T3) and Anthocyanin of Brinjal is higher in treatment 5 .Total soluble sugar and protein of Brinjal is higher in treatment 2.Free amino acids and L–Proline of Brinjal is higher in treatment 6 .Leaf nitrate of Brinjal is higher in treatment 5 (T5) and lower in treatment 6 (T6).Nitrate reductase is higher in treatment 0 (T0 ) and lower in treatment 6(T6)Catalase is higher in treatment 6 (T6). Yield performance of Brinjal Solanum melongena is one (1) in Treatment T0, T1, T2 and in the remaing treatments injal was able to produce flowers but not able to produce fruits due to toxicity of the effluent residue

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M. R. Rajan, U. Nisath Fathima, S. David Noel / Impact of Dyeing Industry Effluent Residue on Growth, Biochemical Characterstics and Yield of Brinjal Solanum Melogena / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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