Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Impact of Disability and Coping Strategies among the parents of children with Intellectual Disabilities

Ritu Kalgotra, Jaspal S. Warwal

Abstract :

Intellectual disability originates during the developmental period and results in significantly sub average general intellectual function with concurrent deficits in functional life skills. The nature and degree of positive and negative impact of intellectual disability on parents and their coping strategies were studied. Thirty intellectually disabled children fulfilling the ICD–10 criteria of intellectual disability were selected from special schools in Jammu district of J & K state. Seguin form a board intelligence test, National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped Disability Impact Scale, Family Interview for Stress and Coping in Mental Retardation, (FISC–MR), Section 2 were the tools administered on the parents. The result shows that parents have more positive impact (52.77%) than the negative impact which is 31.47%. And most of the parents were having better coping strategies as measured on Likert scale.

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Ritu Kalgotra, Jaspal S. Warwal Impact of Disability and Coping Strategies among the parents of children with Intellectual Disabilities Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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