Volume : X, Issue : X, October - 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on post-operative follow up in Orthopaedic surgeries

Dr Sushovan Banerjee, Dr Ankith K V, Dr Gobinder Singh, Dr Sandeep Kumar Chaudhari, Dr Sajid Ansari, Dr Mohit Dhingra, Dr Vandana Kumar Dhingra

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IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON POST-OPERATIVE FOLLOW UP IN ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERIES, Dr Sushovan Banerjee, Dr Ankith K V, Dr Gobinder Singh, Dr Sandeep Kumar Chaudhari, Dr Sajid Ansari, Dr Mohit Dhingra, Dr Vandana Kumar Dhingra INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-10 | October-2020

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