Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Impact of Climatic Condition on Water Borne Diseases in Morena District, M.P (India)

Dr. Vinayak Singh Tomar , N. S. Dadoriya

Abstract :

Environmental pollution, a potential global problem has rendered waters along the coastline and recreational beaches unsatisfactory for public use. Population explosion and inadequate infrastructure to properly treat and dispose of the sewage, lack of sanitary condition, poverty and over exploitation of natural water has resulted in the discharge of considerable quantities of untreated waste in to the natural waters. climate change is excepted to increase the severity of weather. it means that some regions with experience an increase in rainfall and flood risk, while some regions that are prone to droughts may experience more extreme droughts

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Dr. Vinayak Singh Tomar , N.S. Dadoriya Impact of Climatic Condition on Water Borne Diseases in Morena District, M.P (India) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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