Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Impact of Brand and Residential Environmet on Consumer Behaviour – A Study on Inhabitants of North and South Zone of Kolkata City

Dr. Swaha Bhattacharya

Abstract :

Consumer refers to the casual user in contrast to the professional user. Brands are the determinants of purchasing behaviour of consumer. Different aspects of and consider the selling behaviour as well as facilitate the objectives of marketing. On the other hand, family is the most important consumer–buying organization in society. Different family settings give different views about the and. Individual members of families often serve different roles in decisions that ultimately drawn on shared family resources. Family members as well as consumers use certain and according to the image, name and personality of a and. The aim of the present investigation is to study the impact of and and also the impact residential environment on consumer behaviour as expressed by the inhabitants belonging to North and South zone of Kolkata City. Accordingly, a group of 240 (120 from North and 120 from South zone) inhabitants of three categories, viz., young singles, married without children and married with children were selected as sample in this investigation. General Information Schedule, Perceived Impact of Brand on Consumer Behaviour Questionnaire and Perceived Impact of Residential Environment Questionnaire were used as tools in this investigation. The findings reveal that impact of and and also impact of residential environment on consumer behaviour differ significantly between the inhabitants belonging to North and South zone of Kolkata City. Considering the findings of the study, adequate measures may be taken to create better impact of and on consumer behaviour in comparison to the existing scenario.

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Dr. Swaha Bhattacharya Impact of Brand and Residential Environmet on Consumer Behaviour – A Study on Inhabitants of North and South Zone of Kolkata City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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