Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015


Professor. J. Godwin Prem Singh

Abstract :

 Homelessness and street life have extremely detrimental effects on children. Their unstable lifestyles, lack  of medical care and inadequate living conditions increase young people‘s susceptibility to chronic illnesses such as respiratory or ear infections, gastrointestinal disorders, and sexually–transmitted diseases, including HIV/ AIDS. Homeless children are lack security, protection, and hop, and continue to face a deep–rooted negative stigma  about homelessness. The objectives of the present study were to find out the sexual behaviours and sources and types  of abuse faced by homeless children. The present study was conducted in Tiruchirappalli District of Tamilnadu. The  sample size for this research study is 300 homeless children. They were selected through convenient sampling method.  More than half the participants have had knowledge about the types of abuse and gained this information from NGO’s  and social workers. The psychological responses to abuse such as anxiety, denial, self hypnosis, disassociation and self  mutilation are common. The researcher observed from his study that the children working on the street portrayed the  police as an enemy, a fearful figure and one of the most frightening street experiences. The researcher suggests that  all children have the right to live in safety and dignity in a protective and nurturing environment, both at home and  in the community. This is possible by creating awareness of their rights, especially their right to protection against  abuse, putting in place laws to punish those who abuse and exploit homeless children and taking appropriate action to  strengthen accountability on the part of government and non–government agencies and the civil society

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Professor. J. GODWIN PREM SINGH IMPACT OF ABUSE AND NEGLECT AMONG THE HOMELESS CHILDREN Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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