Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

Impact Assessment of Deforestation on Some Edaphic Attributes of Dhara Catchment Kashmir–India

M. D. Shah, Dr. Mubashir Jeelani

Abstract :

 The human activities play an important role in destruction of forests and are responsible for disappearance of a wide range of plants. Increased and indiscriminate felling of trees for timer, fodder, fuel, construction etc. has resulted into severe damages to the habitats. With the result the edaphic factor become inhospitable  for the existing species. With this aim the present study was undertaken to know about the status of soil in the deforested area of Faquir Gojar of Dhara catchment. From the present study it is, therefore, concluded that the studied area  under deforestation showed significant increase in pH and decrease in organic carbon (%), moisture content (%) and  available N P K (ppm) during autumn and summer as compared to the forested area in the same catchment area.

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Shah, M.D., Jeelani, M. Impact Assessment of Deforestation on Some Edaphic Attributes of Dhara Catchment Kashmir–India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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