Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Impact and Citation of Iraqi Publications in International Journals at the Period of 1996–2012

Karim Al Ndash Jashamy, Jody Haidarh, Al Ndash Saraj, Mohammed

Abstract :

<p><p><span style=""font–size:11.0pt;font–family:"Calii","sans–serif";">The citation  of academic articles and journals reflect the frequency with which the journals articles are cited in the scientific literatures. It provides a quantitative tool for ranking, evaluating, categorizing and compå journals worldwide. The objective of this study was to determine the level of impact and cited of Iraqi publications in an international of information scientifics institute and journal citation reports. The materials and </span><strong><span style=""font–size:11.0pt;font–family:"Calii","sans–serif";mso–fareast–font–family:">data base </span></strong><span style=""font–size:11.0pt;font–family:">of this study were obtained </span><strong><span style=""font–size:11.0pt;">from r</span></strong><span style=""font–size:">esearch and deployment department, ministry of higher education, Iraq, and </span><span style=""font–size:11.0pt;font–family:"Calii","sans–serif";mso–fareast–font–family:">data base of website of </span><strong><span style=""font–size:11.0pt;font–family:"Calii","sans–serif";mso–fareast–font–family:">SJR–SCImago Journal and country Rank on December 09, 2013 </span></strong><span style=""font–size:">that reported in the </span><span style=""font–size:11.0pt;font–family:"Calii","sans–serif";mso–fareast–font–family:">information scientific institute (ISI) and journal citation reports (JCR) of Iraqi publications and citation on period of 1996–2012. The results of this study showed that the Hirsch Index (H–Index) was 41 only out of 26,059 papers, Iraq rang was listed at 91<sup>st</sup> out of 238 countries in the world on 2012. The total number of publication was 5,836 articles, citable documents 5,526, citations were 14,909 and self–citations were 1,831. The total number of documents was 1,252 articles and citable document was 1,173 (93.69%). The total number of international cites was 204, while the Iraqi cities as a (self cites) was 71 cites. The percentage of cites per document was 0.19 and self–cites was 0.06. The number cited documents showed 129 (10.3%) while un–cited documents were 1,123(89.69%). An international collaboration was 40.97% and the percentage of regional contribution was 1.03% while worldwide was 0.05%. The relative regional publication percentage was 1.932 and worldwide was 0.051. The citation per document in self–cites and external cites per document was 0,192.The highest publications showed in the medicine, engineering and chemistry were 225, 162 and 118 articles respectively. While the lowest publications were in the subjects of psychology, health professions, finance, art and humanities, business, managements and accounting were 1, 1, 2, 5 and 6 documents respectively. T<span style=""background–image:">he total number of publications in both of Arabic and English languages was </span>77636 articles that published by 237 academic open access peer–reviewed journals. <span style=""background–image:"> A </span>total number and ranking of Iraqi journals on 2012<span style=""background–image:"> was only three scientific journals that </span>indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and SCOPUS.In conclusion, Iraqi publications citation were increasing on last three years compared with previous period, but the publications seemed low quality, therefore the number of cited publications internationally and self–cited are poorly reported and also the number of impacted journals is considered pitiable or <span class=""hps"">nonexistent</span></span></p></p>

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Karim Al-Jashamy, Jody HaidarH, Al-Saraj, Mohammed Impact and Citation of Iraqi Publications in International Journals at the Period of 1996-2012 Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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